This is a general thank you to the numerous clubs and associations across the country who have kindly allowed us to present on Lasting Power of Attorney to their members, over the last few months. Everyones’ hospitality and kindness has been overwhelming and we have met some fantastic people from all walks of life. Our own learning has been greatly enhanced on a wide range of subjects, including our own subject.

This activity has allowed us to help many new clients and they have in turn refered us to many of their friends and family. Word is at last starting to get out underlining how important these documents are. We unfortunately still meet too many people who we can’t help, having left it too late, and they are reporting initial costs of £5000 to £8000 when applying for Deputyship (the only alternative) and time delays of many months.

We are now embarking on a busy schedule of talks with a growing programme into 2017 already. We are often able to help out on last minute cancellations.

We are determined to reguarly update our site from ‘hereonin’ so please watch this space.